Schizophrenia (general information) … more than a third of psychiatric hospitalizations in the country are for schizophrenia . Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder characterized by severe distortions in thinking, perception and inappropriate emotions and leads to a high level of disability. Epidemiology . Approximately 1 new case per 1000 population is diagnosed each year. This indicator is stable throughout the world (the incidence does not depend on nationality and race). The median age of onset is 15–25 years for men and 25–35 for women (~90% of all patients are aged 15–54 years). Schizophrenia rarely begins before the age of 10 and later than 50. (!) The risk of getting sick is directly proportional to the degree of relationship and the number of cases in the family. Etiology schizophrenia is unknown. Factors that are necessary and sufficient for the onset of the disease have not been established. Neuromorphological s...